There are many ways to approach the Mystery of the Eucharist, and the books on this sacrament could fill a library. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal summarizes what the Vatican Council said in its dialog on the Sacred Liturgy “… in the celebration of Mass, in which the Sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated, Christ is really present in the very liturgical assembly gathered in his name, in the person of the minister, in his word, and indeed substantially and continually under the Eucharistic species.” Our recognition and response to His presence are ways we show reverence for the Lord in our midst.
Instruction in preparation for receiving the Eucharist for the first time begins in third grade, but the student must have been attending Religious Education Classes since at least second grade. If a student starts attending Religious Education in third grade, they can enroll in the additional First Communion classes the next year when they are in fourth grade. If a student is older than fourth grade, they must attend youth RCIA classes on Tuesday nights. If you are interested in having your child receive First Communion please call the Parish Office at 325-672-6695.